Philosophical Correlation of the Quantum Realm with Life

Niranjan Akella
4 min readNov 6, 2021


Source: Google

Driving Thought

“The total number of possible outcomes for the future are infinite just like an unmeasured Quantum State. But every possibility is an Eigenvalue of your current endeavors.”

by Niranjan Akella

The unfathomable depths of the quantum realm have intrigued human awareness since the age of modern physics. As science aged through revolutionary periods, so did human awareness towards self and the unknown.

In today’s modern society, the amenities that we use on a daily basis are the constructive prospects of classical systems (i.e.; ‘1s’ & ‘0s’) through the building blocks of semi-conductors knowns as transistors.

When compared to life at a philosophical level, these classical systems are governed by two different extremes which are unparalleled to human diligence. In reality life is more like,

import random
Life = random.uniform(0,1) #Value between 0 and 1

In the Quantum world, a Quantum bit or a Qubit always exists in an infinitesimal superposition state i.e.; it has innumerable outcomes until it is measured.

Here, the measurement is “TIME” and the Eigen state is the possibility that occurs when the time comes.

Supporting Thought

“Your future is just an integration of all the minuscule to major doings and experiences of your present”

by Niranjan Akella

The broader view of the grand plan in life is to focus on the minute details of the present rather than the superposition of the uncertainty that exists beyond or the decided Eigen state that has already been determined.

Source: Pinterest

Just like how master Oogway from my favourite movie “Kung Fu Panda” has described it with a slick of wisdom.

Yesterday is history!! tomorrow is a mystery!!, but today is a gift. That is why it’s called the present.

The present has always been and will be the primordial being of self. The thoughts that storm their way into our mind are just the output tensors of the world’s best natural Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) model called the human imagination. It’s a damn good robust model that has no boundaries but has a few turbulent variables like feelings, state of mind, and purpose. These variables might seem harmless at first but can linger for longer than needed when opposed to condemning their existence to preserve the self when projected hierarchy.

Want to bet ??

Every thought that you have encountered so far has always either been a constructive ideology of something that you want to do (Future) or something that has already passed your way (Past), but never the present.

That’s because the “PRESENT” never has a thought accompanied by it at any given point in time, it just exists in a thoughtless state. Hence being in the present is the truth of living every moment completely with utter intellectual silence.

Remember, every step that you take has a possible measurement (in quantum terminology) that leads you to another state, and every moment that you experience is an added ammunition to your arsenal that empowers you with discretion to better judge your actions.

The Perception of Destiny

Source: The Astronomy Magazine

Just like an entangled quantum particle, our life is bound to destiny. The key point to note here is that the variables which are bounding us with destiny are our sense of responsibility towards ourselves, the hope that we carry forth, and the dignity of self-development. Apart from them, there is one variable that has the power to change our course of actions with unprecedented magnitude called “EGO”. When chosen to let go helps us climb the path to success and when held close can demolish the path altogether.

This specimen is more like the dark matter that isn’t visible but exists. If there is too much of it, it can interfere with many things and screw them up. Trust me, this mister ego is the heavy luggage that you wished you could have left behind in your journey through life.

Setting the Path Straight

Instead of worrying about what’s going to happen and what the end result might be, focus on things at hand and excel at them whether they may be small or big, which when integrated over a timeline will yield the desired prospects with greater magnitude.

As a student in an exam, you might have been tempted to copy. But in life, everyone has their own question paper and they can’t copy their way through them. The only way to solve those questions/problems is to first accept what you are and believe in yourself. Your experiences are your cheat sheets to solving them.

Hence, just chill and fly.



Niranjan Akella

A scientist by heart and a passionate researcher in my field of expertise. I love philosophy.