The Timeless Journey: Discovering Life Lessons from a Mechanical Watch

Niranjan Akella
3 min readApr 19, 2023
Mechanical Watch

In the depths of autumn, in the year 2022, a strange and enigmatic watch came into my possession. It was unlike any watch I had ever seen before, with a design that seemed to emanate a certain philosophical charm. As I began to wind its mechanism and set its hands, I felt as if I was unlocking some hidden wisdom, some ancient secret that had been long forgotten. It was as if the watch held within it a deep and mysterious power, capable of sparking thoughts and insights that I had never before considered. And so, over time, I came to realize that this watch held within it five mind-boggling life lessons, each one more profound than the last. In this article, I will share these lessons with you, so that you too can delve into the mysteries of this remarkable timepiece, and unlock the secrets of a truly fulfilling life.

Mechanical watches are not just accessories to keep time. They are an intricate blend of art and engineering, with a story to tell about the passage of time. However, beyond their aesthetics and precision, they offer valuable life lessons that can teach us about growth, perseverance, and the importance of self-care.

Lesson 1:

Need to wind it every now and then”

A mechanical watch requires manual winding to keep ticking. Similarly, in life, we must put in consistent effort to move ahead. We cannot expect to achieve our goals without putting in the necessary work. Whether it’s building a career or pursuing a passion, we must keep pushing ourselves to grow.

Lesson 2:

“If we don’t wind it regularly we will lose time”

If we neglect to wind our watch regularly, it will fall behind in time. Similarly, if we don’t put in consistent effort in our lives, we risk losing precious time that we can never get back. To avoid falling behind, we must stay motivated and committed to our goals.

Lesson 3:

“It has a heart just like us beating a bit faster than us”

A mechanical watch has a beating heart that is a marvel of engineering. Similarly, as humans, we have a beating heart that keeps us alive. However, beyond our physical heart, we also have a spiritual and emotional heart that gives us the capacity to love, empathize, and connect with others. We must take care of our hearts to stay emotionally and spiritually healthy.

Lesson 4:

“It has a self-winding capability”

Some mechanical watches have a self-winding capability, which means they can recharge themselves using the wearer’s movement. Similarly, in life, we can create passive streams of income from the things we do regularly. By leveraging our skills and talents, we can earn money while doing what we love, without adding extra effort.

Lesson 5:

“All you need is a “Twist” ⇒ Winding ⇒ Rewiring your brain”

Finally, winding a mechanical watch requires a simple twist. Similarly, rewiring our brains requires a simple shift in mindset or attitude. By changing the way we think, we can transform our lives and achieve our goals. Whether it’s overcoming obstacles or pursuing a new path, we must believe in ourselves and stay positive.

In conclusion, mechanical watches offer timeless wisdom that transcends the boundaries of time and space. By incorporating these life lessons into our daily lives, we can grow, thrive, and create a better future for ourselves and those around us.

Note of Gratitude

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Niranjan Akella

A scientist by heart and a passionate researcher in my field of expertise. I love philosophy.